Archive for the ‘Products’ Category


October 23, 2011

The three Lytro camera models sport a very different design on the outside, but their light-field technology inside is even more of a departure from conventional cameras.This is a new camera design by a company called Lytro.  The design of this camera is a two-tone elongated box 4.4 inches long and 1.6 inches square. At one end is the lens and at the other is an LCD touch-screen display; along the sides are power and shutter buttons, a USB port, and a touch-sensitive strip to move the F2 lens through its 8X zoom range.The three Lytro camera models sport a very different design on the outside, but their light-field technology inside is even more of a departure from conventional cameras.

Conventional digital cameras use lenses to focus a subject so it’s sharp on the image sensor. That means that for an in-focus part of the image, light from only one direction reaches the sensor. For light-field photography, though, light from multiple directions hits each patch of the sensor; the camera records this directional information, and after-the-shot computing converts it into something a human eye can understand.

The result is that a Lytro camera image is a 3D map of whatever was photographed, and that means people can literally decide what to focus on after they’ve taken the photo.

So with this technology you do not need to focus your camera on an image while you are taking your photographs.  You can just simply plug it into your computer and it comes with the technology to decide what you want to focus on.


September 22, 2011

The safe clock.  I found this on 18 Cool and Crazy Gadgets and Gizmos.  I have to admit that it is quiet cool but not that crazy.  I mean its a clock but it is not just any normal clock…its a safe to!  It is practical but hanging on your wall it might be a little bit noticeable that there is something behind this ticking time teller.  In my opinion the thought behind this design is good but the practicality is not so good.  Maybe if the design  was more glamorous you could drill a hole in your wall and install the safe but this one is free standing. That could be because it looks cheap that in wont be robbed but it might be a bit suspicious with half a foot extra sticking out the back of it!


September 22, 2011

The pillow necktie….how interesting.  I wonder if there is a version for women.  The pillow scarf!  This could have been very useful throughout my life.  In my opinion it could work.. For travel purposes there has been times in my life when I could have used an item like this.  Train tables are not exactly comfortable……..INTRODUCING THE PILLOW NECKTIE FOR ALL UR SLEEPING NEEDS!  Although I do not think my boss would be too happy to find me asleep at my desk maybe this image is not the most appropriate advertising for the pillow necktie.  The design is quiet simple.  The inside of the tie has a valve that you blow into to inflate your necktie and have a little snooze.  Then when you are done just pull out the valve, deflate the necktie and back to work you go.  Genius!!


September 22, 2011

I was browsing through the web and I found this.  Personally I am a smoker but ironically enough I found this box quiet appealing.  In my opinion the design of this is very interesting.  I was wondering although if I could get it in different colors.  I do think that it would be a good selling point.  If pictures of lung cancer and heart disease on cigarette boxes do not stop people from buying cigarettes then a coffin shaped box is not going to work.  The design is cool and I would rather see a box like this than see what my insides will look like after years and years of smoking.  The design concept itself is very interesting. We all know that smoking kills and how better to show that than to walk around with a miniature coffin in your pocket.  I love this design and I think it could really take off…